Tiny House Tubs


Taking a bath can be a great way to unwind, relax and take a moment to yourself after a hard day of work.  When you think of a tiny house, I am guessing you are wondering how a tub could possibly fit in a tiny bathroom?  The answer, creatively.  There are a variety of non-traditional tubs that are eco-friendly, upcycle and are perfect for tiny bathroom spaces. Still not sold?  Check out these tub ideas that will be sure to get you on board! Continue reading “Tiny House Tubs”

Doing Laundry Tiny

Washer/Dryer http://bit.ly/2ngx9s1

Ever wonder how do tiny house dwellers have the space to put a gigantic washer and dryer in the tiny house?  The answer is… they do not use a regular sized washer and dryer, instead- like most things in a tiny house, they use a magically specially sized appliance that can do both.  Introducing the washer/dryer combo, perfect for tiny houses and small enough to fit comfortably in a tiny house. Continue reading “Doing Laundry Tiny”

Toilets for a Tiny House

Tiny House Toilet  http://bit.ly/2myNZ7C

We all need to do it.  Let us get straight into it, living in a tiny house means not much space.  So not only do you have to be mindful of the type of toilet you buy, there are other factors that must be considered when choosing your throne.  Some people enjoy going tiny to be self-sufficient which means living off the grid, this type of lifestyle means that your toilet will not be your traditional sewage hook-up flushing toilet.  Here are some different types of non-traditional toilet options when choosing to go tiny.

Continue reading “Toilets for a Tiny House”