Sustainable Fashion Brands

We have the power to make a positive change in reducing our carbon footprint and choosing to endorse companies that incorporate sustainable practices within their production. Inspired by Earth day, I thought it was a great opportunity to share shed light on fashion forward brands that are positive influences in the fashion industry with its fair trade practices, production ethics, cruelty-free methods and use of sustainable materials.

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Invisible Tiny House

Ever wish you had the superpower to become invisible and disappear for a couple of hours, well now is your chance to just do that!  Introducing the latest and greatest tiny house invention, the invisible tiny house!  Not only can this tiny house shield you from view and revel in the beauty of nature as well as sustain a eco-friendly lifestyle that allows for an appreciation of nature and environmental sustainability. Continue reading “Invisible Tiny House”

Tiny Sustainable Gardening

Going tiny and being sustainable is easier than you think.  Tiny living is all about having a smaller carbon food print and being eco-friendly.  Have a green thumb and itching to use it?  Gardening just might be your answer.  Not only does it provide you with fresh ingredients to cook with, it saves you money which can be saved on a rainy day or be put towards an amazing travel trip to Europe.  Interested on ways to be sustainable?

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